Meaning of “Broke” in English Slang

What does “broke” mean in English slang? Learn how to use this word correctly. Improve your English now and check it out! In today’s lesson, we’re going to talk about the term “broke.” Literally, broke comes from the past tense of break (i.e. “I broke my arm”).

Meaning of “Zonked” in English Slang

What does “zonked” mean in English slang? Learn how to use this word correctly. Improve your English now and check it out! Hi, I’m Jessica. I’m an English tutor, and in today’s lesson, we’re going to talk about English slang. And the word for today is “zonked.”

Meaning of “Break Up” – English Idioms

What does “break up” mean in English? Learn how to use this phrasal verb correctly. Improve your English now and check it out! Hi, I’m Joel. In this short video, I’m going to talk about the phrasal verb “break up.”

Meaning of “Drive Up the Wall” – English Idioms

What does “drive up the wall” mean in English? Learn how to use this phrase correctly. Improve your English now and check it out! Hi, my name is Jessica. I’m an English tutor, and in today’s lesson, we’re going to talk about slang English phrases. And the phrase for today is, “drive up the wall.”

Meaning of “Creep” – English Slang

What does “creep” mean in English? Learn how to use this slang correctly. Improve your English now and check it out! Hi, my name is Jessica. I’m an English tutor, and in today’s lesson, we’ll be talking about slang English. And the word for today is “creep.”