TOEFL Exam Prep #1 – Preparing for TOEFL

Taking the TOEFL? Make sure you’re prepared! Watch this first introductory video to make sure you get start preparing for the TOEFL correctly Hello, my name is Steve. And I am your personal, and professional, American English consultant. Today, I want to discuss with you the TOEFL English assessment exam.
TOEFL Exam Prep #2 – Understanding the Exam

Hello, my name is Steve. And I am your personal, and professional, American English consultant. Welcome to video two in our series on preparing to take the TOEFL exam.
TOEFL Exam Prep #3 – Vocabulary

Taking the TOEFL? Make sure you’re prepared! Watch this introductory video, which focuses on the importance of vocabulary on the TOEFL exam. Welcome back to part three in our series on TOEFL prep. My name is Steve, and I am your personal, and professional, American English consultant. In this section I want to begin to […]
TOEFL Exam Prep #4 – Grammar

Taking the TOEFL? Make sure you’re prepared! Watch this introductory video, #4 in our introduction to TOEFL series, which focuses on the importance of grammar on the TOEFL exam. Hello again, I am Steve, and I am your personal, and professional, American English consultant. As we discussed in the previous videos understanding how TOEFL asks […]
TOEFL Exam Prep #5 – Speaking Section

Taking the TOEFL? Make sure you’re prepared! Watch this introductory video, #5 in our introduction to TOEFL series, which focuses on the importance of the TOEFL speaking section and how to do well in this area. Greeting and salutations, my name is Steve, and I am your personal, and professional, American English consultant. In this […]